World Beyblade Association Beyblade Storage Box With 8 Beyblades

Let it Rip with beyblade Burst, the third generation of the popular beyblade franchise! Play against your friends or join the battle at the tournaments to test to your skill. Starter set comes with one complete beyblade and a grip launcher.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

1.297,17 ₴

Versand Innerhalb von 24 Stunden unter den Arbeitstagen

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30 Tage Geld zurück Garantie

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100% sicherer Einkauf und Versand


Let it Rip with beyblade Burst, the third generation of the popular beyblade franchise! Play against your friends or join the battle at the tournaments to test to your skill. Starter set comes with one complete beyblade and a grip launcher. Compatible with beyblade Burst product only.

- Any packaging that shows anything other than Takaratomy is counterfeit
- This beyblade does not contain the NFC chip
- Battling spinning top
- Beyblade burst starter set comes with everything you need to start playing right away


World Beyblade Association Beyblade Storage Box With 8 Beyblades.

  • Preis: 1.297,17 ₴ - Auf Lager
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