Motorola Symbol Zebra LS3578-FZ Rugged Cordless Barcode Scanner

The LS3578-FZ cordless scanner provides fuzzy logic technology, enabling you to rapidly and accurately read damaged, dirty and poorly printed one-dimensional (1D) barcodes often found in industrial environments.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

₩ 564.863

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The LS3578-FZ cordless scanner provides fuzzy logic technology, enabling you to rapidly and accurately read damaged, dirty and poorly printed one-dimensional (1D) barcodes often found in industrial environments.

In the yard, warehouse, distribution center, manufacturing plant or retail store, the LS3578-FZ offers superior performance and reliability as well as a user-friendly form factor that helps ensure comfortable use over long shifts. The integrated Bluetooth® provides reliable and secure wireless data transmission between the scanner and host, including Zebra's rugged VC5090 Vehicle-Fixed Mount Mobile Computer.

- Dimensions: 7.34 in. L x 4.82 in. W x 2.93 in. D (18.65 cm H x 12.25 cm W x 7.43 cm D)
- Weight: 14.6 oz. (414 gm)
- Color: Twilight Black and Yellow
- Sealing: Sealed to IP65 specifications
- Drop Tolerance: Unit functions normally after 50 drops to concrete from 6.5 ft. (2m)
- Decode Capability: 1D
- Scanning Technology: Array Imager


Motorola Symbol Zebra LS3578-FZ Rugged Cordless Barcode Scanner.

  • Preis: ₩ 564.863 - Auf Lager
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