Metallic Keys Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Designed for Metallic Keys Mechanical Gaming Keyboard compact form factor wastes no desktop area, so instead of picking up your mouse, you’ll be picking off additional targets.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

1.296,20 NT$

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Designed for Metallic Keys Mechanical Gaming Keyboard compact form factor wastes no desktop area, so instead of picking up your mouse, you’ll be picking off additional targets. Dash behind enemy tanks, cut down support characters, spin 180° and escape before they can counter thanks to the extra mouse space

- Compact design frees desktop space — waste less time reorienting the mouse
- Additional colored, textured keycaps spotlight the most important keys


Metallic Keys Mechanical Gaming Keyboard.

  • Preis: 1.296,20 NT$ - Auf Lager
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