Logitech G102 Prodigy Programmable RGB Gaming Mouse

The Logitech G102 Prodigy builds on the success of the affordable G100s gaming mouse, while improving the design and performance with RGB lighting and also the new 6000 DPI sensor.

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The Logitech G102 Prodigy builds on the success of the affordable G100s gaming mouse, while improving the design and performance with RGB lighting and also the new 6000 DPI sensor. The new sensor is set to deliver accuracy and consistent responsiveness throughout its DPI range, from 200 DPI to 6000 DPI. Definitely a good pick for your gaming needs. It's comfort and button tensioning will make you feel a lot better than your usual gaming mouse.

- It features a Classic Design that fits well for the standards of the gaming community, it is very comfortable and familiar
- Don't miss another shot! It has a Gaming-grade Performance that speeds up to 8x faster
- It has an Advanced Button Tensioning for faster clicks and reactions when playing your favorite First-Person shooter game


Logitech G102 Prodigy Programmable RGB Gaming Mouse.

  • Preis: 733,73  - Auf Lager
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