iPhone 8 7 Clear View Case

The Clear View Case for iPhone X protects your phone without covering it up or limiting your access to buttons and controls. This transparent case has a polycarbonate back and impact-resistant TPU edges to guard against damage.

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22,96 $

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The Clear View Case for iPhone X protects your phone without covering it up or limiting your access to buttons and controls. This transparent case has a polycarbonate back and impact-resistant TPU edges to guard against damage. With its slim, lightweight design, the View Case can be tossed in a purse or pocket so you can take your phone with you anywhere.

- Transparent back with a colorful border for a fun, modern look
- Protects from bumps and scratches
- Provides full access to all buttons and controls
- Soft TPU edges are easy to grip
- Compatible with iPhone X


iPhone 8 7 Clear View Case.

  • Preis: 22,96 $ - Auf Lager
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