iPhone 8 7 Bling Mouse Ears Case

This cute and stylish Bling Mouse Ears Case comes in a selection of bright colors, so you can customize your iPhone 8 7 making it fun and fashionable. The Bling Mouse Ears design not only offers you maximum protection, but it also allows full access to all the device functions.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

Fr 20,75

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This cute and stylish Bling Mouse Ears Case comes in a selection of bright colors, so you can customize your iPhone 8 7 making it fun and fashionable. The Bling Mouse Ears design not only offers you maximum protection, but it also allows full access to all the device functions. This case personalizes your iPhone while providing plenty of functional protection.

- Protect your iPhone from dust, scratches, shocks etc.
- Access to all device functions
- Made from plastic
- Cute and stylish design
- Bling Mouse Ears
- Fits iPhone 8 7


iPhone 8 7 Bling Mouse Ears Case.

  • Preis: Fr 20,75 - Auf Lager
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