Essential TPE Iro Glossy New York Taxi UV Coating Snap Case for iPhone 4

iro means color in Japanese. iro case designed specific to fit your iPhone 4 with variety colors to reflects your personality.

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The essential tpe iro case New York Taxi glossy Indigo featuring a unique ergonomics design, it's curved back surface design provide comfort while you holding iPhone. It's also use dual injection technique reduce the iPhone flash glare, and there also has UV coating on every iro case that provide 2H hardness to reduce the possibility of scratches from your daily use. iro case is one of the perfect solution to protect you lovely iPhone 4.



iro case feature

  • Perfectly fits your iPhone 4
  • UV coating keeps your iPhone 4 free from scratches
  • Ergonomics design provide comfort while you holding iPhone

Essential TPE Iro Glossy New York Taxi UV Coating Snap Case for iPhone 4.

  • Preis: 80,47  - Auf Lager
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