Drop Resistant Thin Case for iPhone 8 7

The Drop Resistant Thin Case specifically conforms to the shape of the iPhone and offers multi-layer protection, making it one of toughest and most durable iPhone cases on the market. The case is lightweight which adds minimal weight to your phone.

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The Drop Resistant Thin Case specifically conforms to the shape of the iPhone and offers multi-layer protection, making it one of toughest and most durable iPhone cases on the market. The case is lightweight which adds minimal weight to your phone. Simple but elegant, it's beautiful and special, and it provides easy access to the all buttons with the case on.

- Slim design protects your Galaxy S8 Plus from scratches, dirts and bumps
- Fashionable and luxurious styled case
- Easy access to all buttons, no need to remove casing for charging battery
- Suitable as a gift for girlfriend or friend
- Fits your iPhone 8 7


Drop Resistant Thin Case for iPhone 8 7.

  • Preis: 1.534,88  - Auf Lager
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