Tomy Beyblade Burst Dual Cyclone Stadium

It is a stadium where you can enjoy an unpredictable thrilling battle as the bay accelerates, moves in the opposite direction, by moving the two turntables at the center of the stadium with motor power.

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It is a stadium where you can enjoy an unpredictable thrilling battle as the bay accelerates, moves in the opposite direction, by moving the two turntables at the center of the stadium with motor power.

- Stadium, two of the rotating disk in the electric is turned
- Bay move around while accelerating the inside of the stadium, extreme battle is repeatedly spread ever
- Attack type of the new bay [Fenrir] and proto launcher will be shipped


Tomy Beyblade Burst Dual Cyclone Stadium.

  • Preis: 1.010,72  - Auf Lager
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