Macro Wide Angle Lens Camera Case for iPhone 4 4S

The Macro Wide Angle Lens Camera Case was designed for the iPhone 4 4S. Macro lens can take clear photos of small objects. Wide-angle lens can shoot a larger range of scenery. One hundred and eighty degrees of the scene can be captured by the Fisheye lens, which can let you enjoy the unreal world.

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23,95 $

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The Macro Wide Angle Lens Camera Case was designed for the iPhone 4 4S. Macro lens can take clear photos of small objects. Wide-angle lens can shoot a larger range of scenery. One hundred and eighty degrees of the scene can be captured by Fisheye lens, which can let you enjoy the unreal world.

- Let the impressive moments became eternity
- Easy operation and convenient to use
- Slim-line protective case fits to the back of the handset
- Simply screw in the lens whenever you want to use it


Macro Wide Angle Lens Camera Case for iPhone 4 4S.

  • Preis: 23,95 $ - Auf Lager
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