iLuv ICC736BLU Nature Soft Coated Ultra Thin Case Blue

The new iLuv Nature design case for iPhone 4 is available in Pink, Blue or Green. This case is ultra thin and offers a soft touch coating. The protective film is included. This simple but elegant nature pattern adds a little splash to your new iPhone 4.

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12,94 $

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Nature soft coated ultra thin case, blue floral pattern. Includes: protective Screen film. The new iLuv Nature design case for iPhone 4 is available in Pink, Blue or Green. This case is ultra thin and offers a soft touch coating. The protective film is included. This simple but elegant nature pattern adds a little splash to your new iPhone 4.

iLuv ICC736BLU Nature Soft Coated Ultra Thin Case Blue.

  • Preis: 12,94 $ - Auf Lager
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