Complete 80 Pcs Christmas Tree Decoration Set With Star, Bulbs, Ornaments

Dress up your Christmas tree with this 80 piece set with star, bulbs and ornaments. Place them in fall wreaths and decorations. These shatterproof ornaments will make a festive addition to your Christmas tree.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

38,92 $

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Dress up your Christmas tree with this 80 piece set with star, bulbs and ornaments. Place them in fall wreaths and decorations. These shatterproof ornaments will make a festive addition to your Christmas tree. Add some to your wreath or garland as well to tie the room together in a cohesive decorating pattern.

- Occasion: Christmas
- Perfect for Christmas decoration
- Easy assembly
- Indoor and outdoor use
- Set of 80


Complete 80 Pcs Christmas Tree Decoration Set With Star, Bulbs, Ornaments.

  • Preis: 38,92 $ - Auf Lager
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