14 Elegant Christmas Tree Bulbs - White Red

Dress up your Christmas tree with these Christmas Tree Bulbs. Place them in fall wreaths and decorations. These shatterproof ornaments will make a festive addition to your Christmas tree.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

59,92 $

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Dress up your Christmas tree with these Christmas Tree Bulbs. Place them in fall wreaths and decorations. These shatterproof ornaments will make a festive addition to your Christmas tree. Add some to your wreath or garland as well to tie the room together in a cohesive decorating pattern.

- Occasion: Christmas
- Perfect for Christmas decoration
- Easy assembly
- Indoor and outdoor use
- Set of 14


14 Elegant Christmas Tree Bulbs - White Red.

  • Preis: 59,92 $ - Auf Lager
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