Set of 2 Mount Fuji Hammered Espresso Dirty Ice Latte Coffee Glass Heat Resistant

Set of 2 Mount Fuji Hammered Espresso Dirty Ice Latte Coffee Glass Heat Resistant. A staple and must have unique designed glass that will make you the talk of the town. Double wall glasses are scratch and temperature resistant and can withstand temperature swings that can shatter or crack normal glassware. Due to its outlook, the glass will not have a cloudy appearance despite repeated use.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

30,26 €

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Set of 2 Mount Fuji Hammered Espresso Dirty Ice Latte Coffee Glass Heat Resistant. A staple and must have unique designed glass that will make you the talk of the town. Double wall glasses are scratch and temperature resistant and can withstand temperature swings that can shatter or crack normal glassware. Due to its outlook, the glass will not have a cloudy appearance despite repeated use.


  • Safe to use in Microvawe and Dishwasher.
  • Made of high-quality borosilicate material that can withstand thermal shock as well.
  • The glass coffee mugs with double-wall insulation are heat resistant and stay impervious to the oil quotient found in coffee beans.

Set of 2 Mount Fuji Hammered Espresso Dirty Ice Latte Coffee Glass Heat Resistant.

  • Preis: 42,84 $ - Auf Lager
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