Futuristic Stylish Wireless Bluetooth White Headset for Smartphone

Phone Bluetooth handset that protects you from cell phone radiation.  It also is a noise reduction system.  The operation range is 10m.  It supports a USB charger.  It is availabe with and without Bluetooth.

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Futuristic Phone Bluetooth Headset


  •  Easily Pairs with Almost Any Mobile Phone Through Bluetooth Technology
  •  Reduces the Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation
  •  USB Cable for Recharging Battery
  •  Volume Control on Handset
  •  Power Button
  •  Talking Time: Approx. 6 Hours
  •  Standby Time: Approx. 150 Hours
  •  Available with and without Bluetooth

Futuristic Stylish Wireless Bluetooth White Headset for Smartphone.

  • Preis: 737,37  - Auf Lager
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