Paladone Pacman Pixelated Light

Paladone Pacman Pixelated Light. Man keep those pesky ghosts away and brighten up your game room with this Pac-Man Pixelated Light. This yellow Pac-Man light will illuminate your space in retro style.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

50,69 CAD$

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Paladone Pacman Pixelated Light. Man keep those pesky ghosts away and brighten up your game room with this Pac-Man Pixelated Light. This yellow Pac-Man light will illuminate your space in retro style.


  • This classic arcade game pioneered the way in the video game industry.
  • This vintage style merchandise is sure to bring back nostalgic memories to any retro gamer or arcade goer
  • Use this nightlight as a desk lamp on the nightstand by your bed.
  • It’s a perfect way to illuminate your man cave, bedroom, baby nursery, toddler’s playroom, or themed home theater

Paladone Pacman Pixelated Light.

  • Preis: 35,31 € - Auf Lager
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