TimeMore White Chestnut C2 Portable Manual Coffee Stainless Steel Fast Grinder

TimeMore White Chestnut C2 Portable Manual Coffee Stainless Steel Fast Grinder. Hand coffee grinders offer the consistency you need at a price point you can achieve. Their mobility lets you take your coffee everywhere you go, and they don't wake up the entire house when you're home due to its quiet nature. This is the best cost-effective choice grinder from TimeMore.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

126,34 AUD$

Versand Innerhalb von 24 Stunden unter den Arbeitstagen

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30 Tage Geld zurück Garantie

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100% sicherer Einkauf und Versand


TimeMore White Chestnut C2 Portable Manual Coffee Stainless Steel Fast Grinder. Hand coffee grinders offer the consistency you need at a price point you can achieve. Their mobility lets you take your coffee everywhere you go, and they don't wake up the entire house when you're home due to its quiet nature. This is the best cost-effective choice grinder from TimeMore.


  • The body weighs 430g, while maintaining a light weight and a moderate sense of weight and luxury.
  • It is ideal not only for home use but also for carrying outdoors or traveling.
  • Adjustable in about 36 steps.
  • Burr size 38mm-efficient grinding of coffee beans.
  • You can easily grind the desired roughness from fine to coarse with the adjustment nut.
  • The milling blade with 55-58HRC hardness in 5-axis CNC machining realizes uniform grinding with almost no excessively coarse grains.
  • Stainless steel burr-CNC machining.
  • Double bearing central axis positioning-uniform grinding particles.

TimeMore White Chestnut C2 Portable Manual Coffee Stainless Steel Fast Grinder.

  • Preis: 80,76 € - Auf Lager
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