3D Shell Beach iPhone 8 7 Case

Keep your iPhone looking slim, trim, and just like new with this fitted hard shell case. An impact-resistant bumper and raised rubber edges keep your phone protected from daily wear and tear, including scratches, scuffs, drops, and other inevitable accidents.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

28,94 CAD$

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Keep your iPhone looking slim, trim, and just like new with this fitted hard shell case. An impact-resistant bumper and raised rubber edges keep your phone protected from daily wear and tear, including scratches, scuffs, drops, and other inevitable accidents.

- Impact-resistant bumper helps minimize damage from accidental drops
- Raised rubber edges help protect the phone's screen from scratches and scuffs
- Slim and lightweight design safeguards your phone without adding extra bulk
- Offers easy and direct access to all ports and buttons
- Made from a hard polycarbonate plastic for a durable and long-lasting design
- Designed to fit the iPhone 8 7


3D Shell Beach iPhone 8 7 Case.

  • Preis: 28,94 CAD$ - Auf Lager
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